Here are some of these organizations outstanding accomplishments which CDEI is proud to have helped:
Un Grano de Arena
Dedicated to the education, it takes care of more than 200 children, providing school supplies and rebuilding educational facilities.
Escuela de Boxeo Jairo Ruza
This boxing academy trains 100 kids while also teaching them values, strength and discipline. They also support them with sporting goods, clothing and food.
Esperanza Activa
With several schools under its care, this organizations provides school supplies, scholarships and meals to more than 1,900 young girls.
This noble organization cares for more than 100 leukemia and cancer patients providing medical treatment, counseling, food, holiday gifts and much more.
Proyecto Niños de la Selva
They organize expeditions to bring medical aid, school supplies, medicines and food to more than 1,700 natives in rural communities.