An organization that seeks to become a builder of hope for an inclusive Venezuela. It leads the project Flor de la Esperanza that benefits a group of girls at the school Monsignor Romero de Fe y Alegría in Barquisimeto. This project is an educational plan aimed at girls with high leadership skills and talent for the arts. It is poised to start at the school and will have the support of outstanding local artists.
Consolidate ourselves as a foundation with international reference and recognition for contributing to the eradication of poverty through education in values. Supported by teamwork, committed to social change and the motivation to carry the essence of the Flower of Hope to every corner of Venezuela that need it.
An education program through art, as a collateral learning guide.
Education in Human values, through rugby aimed at children with hostile behavior
Aim of supplying 600 school breakfasts daily from Monday to Saturday
Promote the education and training of young people to improve personal and professional development